Satu lagi menu navigasi blog yang akan saya perkenalkan kepada teman-teman disini, yaitu menu slide-in. Slide in menu merupakan sebuah menu yang bentuknya agak unik karena biasanya berada di bagian samping atau atas sebuah blog. Menu ini tidak tampak secara keseluruhan saat blog terbuka, setelah mouse diarahkan ke menu maka menu akan bergeser /terbuka sehingga menampakkan link-link atau sub menu yang ada di dalam slide menu. Selain menu navigasi horisontal drop down, menu slide-in ini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk menempatkan link-link yang akan anda promosikan kepada pengunjung.
Dalam contoh ini terdapat tiga menu slide in, yaitu di bagian kiri, atas dan sebelah kanan blog. Contoh slide menu bisa dilihat di bawah ini, atau jika ingin lihat contoh di blog bisa lihat disini blog demo template
- Login ke Blogger.
- Klik Tata Letak
- Klik tab Elemen Halaman
- klik Tambah Gadget
- Kemudian klik yang HTML/Java Script.
Kemudian masukkan kode berikut ke dalam gadget html/javascript
Klik View Plain Untuk Memasang Kode
<script> if (typeof window.attachEvent=='object'){ document.write('<!--[if lte IE 6]>\n'+ '<script type="text/javascript">\n'+ 'var ie6_or_less=1;\n'+ '<\/script>\n'+ '<![endif]-->\n'+ '<!--[if lt IE 5.5]>\n'+ '<script type="text/javascript">\n'+ 'var less_than_ie5_5=1;\n'+ '<\/script>\n'+ '<![endif]-->') } var menu=[], resizereinit=true; function truebody(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body; } function getedge(o, is_top){ var edge; if (is_top) edge=window.pageYOffset? window.pageYOffset : truebody().scrollTop? truebody().scrollTop : 0; else{ edge=o.menupos=='left'? 0 : truebody().clientWidth? truebody().clientWidth : window.innerWidth&&truebody().offsetHeight<=window.innerHeight? window.innerWidth : window.innerWidth? window.innerWidth-20 : 0; edge+=window.pageXOffset? window.pageXOffset : truebody().scrollLeft? truebody().scrollLeft: 0; } return edge; } function keep_in_view(o){ if(o.keepinview){ if(o.m.ft){ o.m.ft=0; o.m.topP=o.m.offsetTop; o.m.ltop=0; } var pt=getedge(o, 'top'), ks=typeof o.keepinview=='number'&&o.keepinview<o.m.topP&&o.keepinview>0? o.keepinview : o.m.topP, smooth=0; if (pt!=o.m.ltop){ if(o.menupos=='top')'hidden'; smooth = pt>o.m.topP-ks? .2 * (pt - o.m.ltop - o.m.topP + ks) : o.m.ltop>0? -.2 * o.m.ltop : 0; smooth = smooth > 0 ? Math.ceil(smooth) : Math.floor(smooth); } else if(o.menupos=='top')''; parseInt( : o.m.topP)+smooth+'px'; o.m.ltop += smooth; } if(o.menupos=='top'){ if(typeof o.menuleft=='string'){'div')[0].offsetWidth/-2)+'px'; o.lleft=o.m.offsetLeft; }; window.pageXOffset : truebody().scrollLeft? truebody().scrollLeft: 0)+'px'; } else'right'? o.m.offsetWidth : 0)+'px'; } function move(el, num){ el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style[el.menupos]=parseInt(el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style[el.menupos])+num+'px'; if(el.menupos=='right'){ if(el.kviewtype=='absolute')'px';'px'; } if(num>0) el.moving=setTimeout(function(){movein(el)}, el.menuspeed) else el.moving=setTimeout(function(){moveout1(el)}, el.menuspeed) } function movein(el){ var m1=parseInt(el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style[el.menupos]); if(el.moving) clearTimeout(el.moving); if (m1<-1*el.borderwidth) move(el, Math.min(-1*m1-el.borderwidth, 10)); } function moveout(el){ if(el.moving) clearTimeout(el.moving); el.moving=setTimeout(function(){moveout1(el)}, el.menupause); } function moveout1(el){ var aw=el.menupos=='top'? el.b.offsetHeight : el.b.offsetWidth, m1=el.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; if(el.moving) clearTimeout(el.moving); if (parseInt([el.menupos])>aw-(el.menupos=='top'? m1.offsetHeight : m1.offsetWidth)+10) move(el, -10); else {[el.menupos]=aw-(el.menupos=='top'? m1.offsetHeight : m1.offsetWidth)+'px'; if(el.menupos=='right'){'px'; if(el.kviewtype=='absolute'){ var ed=truebody().clientWidth? truebody().clientWidth : window.innerWidth&&truebody().offsetHeight<=window.innerHeight? window.innerWidth : window.innerWidth? window.innerWidth-20 : 0; ed+=window.pageXOffset? window.pageXOffset : truebody().scrollLeft? truebody().scrollLeft: 0;'px'; } } } } function to_em(n, o){ return Math.round((n/(16*parseInt(o.fontsize)/100))*1000)/1000; } function getrows(o){ var r=o.menuItems.length+(o.wrapbar? 1 : 0); for (var i_tem = 0; i_tem < o.menuItems.length; i_tem++) if (o.menuItems[i_tem][4]&&o.menuItems[i_tem][4]=='no') r--; return r; } function make_bar(o){ var bt=o.menupos=='right'||o.menupos=='top'? 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'transparent' : o.bordercolor)+';\n'+ 'width:'+to_em(o.barwidth+o.hdingwidth+o.borderwidth*(o.d_colspan+2), o)+'em;\n'+ '}\n'+ '#'' td { /*Characteristics for cells in the menu table - do not specify width here*/\n'+ 'border-bottom:'+o.borderwidth+'px '+o.borderstyle+' '+o.bordercolor+';\n'+ 'border-left:'+o.borderwidth+'px '+o.borderstyle+' '+o.bordercolor+';\n'+ 'height:'+to_em(o.linkheight, o)+'em;\n'+ 'padding:0;\n'+ 'margin:0;\n'+ 'text-align:'+o.linktxtalign+';\n'+ '}\n'+ '#'' #''bar { /*Characteristics for initially visible \'draw\' bar (the vertical cell)*/\n'+ (o.menupos=='top'? 'height:' : 'width:')+to_em(o.barwidth+(document.all||o.menupos=='top'? o.borderwidth*2 : 0), o)+'em;\n'+ 'background-color:'+o.barbgcolor+';\n'+ 'color:'+o.barcolor+';\n'+ 'font-weight:'+o.barfontweight+';\n'+ 'text-align:'+o.baralign+';\n'+ (o.menupos=='top'? '' : 'border-width:0;\n')+ 'cursor:default;\n'+ '}\n'+ '#'' .heading { /*Characteristics for heading cells in the menu table*/\n'+ 'height:'+to_em(o.hdingheight, o)+'em;\n'+ 'color:'+o.hdingcolor+';\n'+ 'font-weight:'+o.hdingfontweight+';\n'+ 'text-indent:'+o.hdingindent+'ex;\n'+ 'background-color:'+o.hdingbgcolor+'; /*Background Color for menu headings */\n'+ 'width:'+to_em(o.hdingwidth, o)+'em; /*This will be the menu body width. This'+(o.menupos!='top'? ' (plus #''bar width for left and right menus)' : '')+' and 4 times the border width should also be the menu table\'s approximate width*/\n'+ 'vertical-align:'+o.hdingvalign+';\n'+ 'text-align:'+o.hdingtxtalign+';\n'+ 'border-left-color:'+o.hdingbgcolor+';\n'+ 'border-left-style:solid;\n'+ '}\n'+ (o.wrapbar&&o.menupos!='top'? '#'' #''lastrow {\n'+ 'height:'+to_em(o.barwidth, o)+'em;\n'+ 'background-color:'+o.barbgcolor+';\n'+ 'border-width:0;\n'+ 'margin:0 0 '+o.borderwidth+'px '+o.borderwidth+'px;\n'+ '}\n' : o.menupos!='top'? '#'' #''lastrow {\n'+ 'border-bottom-width:0;\n'+ 'margin:0 0 '+o.borderwidth+'px '+o.borderwidth+'px;\n'+ '}\n' : '')+ '#'' a {\n'+ 'width:100%;\n'+ 'height:100%;\n'+ 'display:block;\n'+ 'padding-top:'+to_em(o.linktopad, o)+'em;\n'+ '}\n'; if(o.design_mode){ if(document.getElementById('ooostyle')) alert('Only one menu\'s script generated styles may be displayed at a time!\n\nCurrently showing '+document.getElementById('ooostyle').tell+'\'s stylesheet\n\n(or there is a syntax error - most\n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0likely in the menuItem.js file)'); else{ var isusing=o.user_defined_stylesheet? ' not' : ''; var sw=(window.innerWidth? window.innerWidth : truebody().clientWidth)/1.5; document.write('<textarea id="ooostyle" cols="'+Math.floor(sw/8)+'" rows="65" wrap="off" style="margin-left:-'+Math.floor(sw/2)+'px;overflow:auto;position:absolute;top:10px;left:50%;z-index:1000;">\n') document.write('\/* ''\'s Script Generated Styles: */\n\/* '' is'+isusing+' currently using these via the script */\n\n'+sheet); document.write('\n\/* End ''\'s Script Generated Styles */'); document.write('</textarea>') document.getElementById('ooostyle'); } } if(!o.user_defined_stylesheet) return '<style type="text/css">\n'+sheet+'</style>'; return ''; } function make_style_make_menu(o, s){ if(s){ if(! {alert('a unique id is required for each menu');return;}; if(!o.menuItems||o.menuItems.constructor!=Array) {alert('an array of menu items is required for each menu');return;}; if(!o.menutop) {o.menutop=150}; if(!o.menuleft) {o.menuleft='50%'}; if(!o.keepinview&&typeof o.keepinview=='boolean') o.keepinview=false; else if(!o.keepinview) {o.keepinview=30}; if(!o.menuspeed) {o.menuspeed=20}; if(!o.menupause) {o.menupause=500}; if(!o.d_colspan) {o.d_colspan=2}; if(!o.allowtransparent) {o.allowtransparent=false}; if(!o.barwidth) {o.barwidth=22}; if(!o.hdingwidth) {o.hdingwidth=149}; if(!o.hdingheight) {o.hdingheight=22}; if(!o.hdingindent) {o.hdingindent=1}; if(!o.linkheight) {o.linkheight=16}; if(!o.outbrdwidth) {o.outbrdwidth=0}; if(!o.outbrdcolor) {o.outbrdcolor="none"}; if(!o.outbrdstyle) {o.outbrdstyle="none"}; if(!o.borderwidth) {o.borderwidth=1}; if(!o.bordercolor) {o.bordercolor="black"}; if(!o.borderstyle) {o.borderstyle="solid"}; if(!o.barcolor) {o.barcolor="white"}; if(!o.barbgcolor) {o.barbgcolor="#444444"}; if(!o.barfontweight) {o.barfontweight="bold"}; if(!o.baralign) {o.baralign="center"}; if(!o.menufont) {o.menufont="verdana"}; if(!o.fontsize) {o.fontsize="80%"}; if(!o.hdingcolor) {o.hdingcolor="white"}; if(!o.hdingbgcolor) {o.hdingbgcolor="#170088"}; if(!o.hdingfontweight) {o.hdingfontweight="bold"}; if(!o.hdingvalign) {o.hdingvalign="middle"}; if(!o.hdingtxtalign) {o.hdingtxtalign="left"}; if(!o.linktopad) {o.linktopad=0}; if(!o.linktxtalign) {o.linktxtalign="left"}; if(!o.linktarget) {o.linktarget=""}; if(!o.menupos) {o.menupos="left"}; if(!o.bartext) {o.bartext="SIDE MENU"}; if(!o.user_defined_stylesheet) {o.user_defined_stylesheet=false}; if(!o.user_defined_markup) {o.user_defined_markup=false}; if(!o.design_mode) {o.design_mode=false}; if(!o.wrapbar) {o.wrapbar=false}; if(!o.kviewtype) {o.kviewtype='absolute'}; if(typeof ie6_or_less!='undefined') o.kviewtype='absolute'; else if(o.menupos=='top'&&o.kviewtype=='absolute') o.kviewtype='fixed'; while(!o.menuItems[o.menuItems.length-1]) o.menuItems.length=o.menuItems.length-1; document.write(make_style(o)); return; } else { if(o.design_mode||!o.user_defined_markup){ var hw=o.hdingwidth; var tb='<div id="''" onmouseover="movein(this);" onmouseout="moveout(this);"><div><table>\n'; tb+=o.menupos=='right'? make_bar(o) : ''; for (var i_tem = 0; i_tem < o.menuItems.length; i_tem++){ if ((o.menupos=='top'&&i_tem==0)||i_tem>0&&(!o.menuItems[i_tem-1][4]||o.menuItems[i_tem-1][4]!=='no')) tb+='<tr>' if (o.menuItems[i_tem][1]&&o.menuItems[i_tem][1]!==''){ tb+='<td '+(i_tem==o.menuItems.length-1&&!o.wrapbar&&o.menupos!='top'? 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'<tr><td id="''lastrow" colspan="'+o.d_colspan+'">\u00a0</td></tr>\n' : ''; tb+=o.menupos=='top'? make_bar(o) : ''; if(!o.user_defined_markup) document.write(tb+'</table></div></div>') } if(o.design_mode) document.getElementById('ooostyle').value+='\n\n<!-- The Markup for '' -->\n\n'+tb+'</table></div></div>\n\n<!-- End ''\'s Markup -->' o.m=document.getElementById(; var b=document.getElementById('bar'); o.m.b=b; o.m.ft=1; o.m.menupos=o.menupos; o.m.menupause=o.menupause; o.m.menuspeed=o.menuspeed; o.m.borderwidth=o.borderwidth; o.m.kviewtype=o.kviewtype; resizevent(o); if(o.menupos=='top'&&typeof window.attachEvent=='object'&&typeof ie6_or_less!='undefined') window.attachEvent('onscroll', function(){'hidden';}); if(o.kviewtype=='absolute'&&(o.menupos!='top'||(typeof ie6_or_less!='undefined'&&typeof window.attachEvent=='object'))) setInterval(function(){keep_in_view(o)}, 20) } } function resizevent(o){ var m1=o.m.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], bo=o.menupos=='top'? o.m.b.offsetHeight : o.m.b.offsetWidth;[o.menupos]=bo-(o.menupos=='top'? m1.offsetHeight : m1.offsetWidth)+'px' if(o.menupos=='right'){ if(o.kviewtype=='absolute')'px';'px';'px'; if(typeof less_than_ie5_5!='undefined'){ o.m.onmouseover(o.m); o.m.onmouseout(o.m); } } if(o.menupos=='top'){'table')[0].offsetWidth+'px'; if(typeof o.menuleft=='string')'px'; } } /* ONTEXTRESIZE EVENT SPOOFER Including this file in your page will allow you to assign a function to window.ontextresize, which will be called when the user changes the size of text on the page. Used with (as far as I know) permission from: */ var ontextresizeLastSize = false; if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", initOntextresizeListener); else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", initOntextresizeListener, false); function initOntextresizeListener() { if(!resizereinit||typeof less_than_ie5_5!='undefined') return; var testDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "1em"; = "1em"; = "-2em"; = "-2em"; var docTestDiv = document.body.appendChild(testDiv); = "ontextresizeTestDiv"; ontextresizeListener = setInterval("ontextresizeCheckTestDiv()",100); } function ontextresizeCheckTestDiv() { if (ontextresizeLastSize!=document.getElementById("ontextresizeTestDiv").offsetWidth) { if (ontextresizeLastSize && window.ontextresize); ontextresizeLastSize = document.getElementById("ontextresizeTestDiv").offsetWidth; } } window.ontextresize=function(){ for (var i_tem = 0; i_tem < menu.length; i_tem++) if(typeof menu[i_tem]!='undefined') resizevent(menu[i_tem]); }; function make_menus(){ if(document.getElementById){ for (var i_tem = 0; i_tem < menu.length; i_tem++) if(typeof menu[i_tem]!='undefined') make_style_make_menu(menu[i_tem], 's'); for (i_tem = 0; i_tem < menu.length; i_tem++) if(typeof menu[i_tem]!='undefined') make_style_make_menu(menu[i_tem]); } } </script> <script> /*********************************************** * Omni Slide Menu script - © John Davenport Scheuer * very freely adapted from Dynamic-FX Slide-In Menu (v 6.5) script- by maXimus * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full original source code * as first mentioned in * username:jscheuer1 ***********************************************/ //One global variable to set, use true if you want the menus to reinit when the user changes text size (recommended): resizereinit=true; menu[1] = { id:'menu1', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! fontsize:'100%', // express as percentage with the % sign linkheight:22 , // linked horizontal cells height hdingwidth:210 , // heading - non linked horizontal cells width // Finished configuration. Use default values for all other settings for this particular menu (menu[1]) /// menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!! //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Menu"], //create header ["Create Blogger", "", ""], ["Upload Video", "",""], ["Change domain", "", ""], ["Custom Domain", "", ""], ["Microsoft Service Pack", "", ""], ["SATA Driver", "", ""], ["Excel", "", "", 1, "no"], //create two column row, requires d_colspan:2 (the default) ["Bug", "", "",1], ["External Links", "", ""], //create header ["Free widget translator", "", "_new"], ["Free windows update", "", "_new"], ["Photo Gadget", "", "_new"], //no comma after last entry ["End"] ]}; // REQUIRED!! do not edit or remove menu[2] = { // REQUIRED!! This menu explicitly declares all available options even if they are the same as the defaults id:'menu2', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! ///////////////////////////////////// ///////////// no quotes for these properties (numbers represent pixels unless otherwise noted): //////////// ///////////////////////////////////// user_defined_stylesheet:false, //if true, prevents script from generating stylesheet for this menu user_defined_markup:false, //if true, prevents script from generating markup for this menu design_mode:false, //if true, generates a report of the script generated/intended styles and markup (as a design aid) menutop:160, // initial top offset - except for top menu, where it is meaningless menuleft:'45%', // initial left offset - only for top menu, as pixels (can be a quoted percentage - ex: '50%') keepinview:80, // Use false (for not static) - OR - true or numeric top offset when page scrolls menuspeed:20, // Speed of menu sliding smaller is faster (interval of milliseconds) menupause:500, // How long menu stays out when mouse leaves it (in milliseconds) d_colspan:3, // Available columns in menu body as integer allowtransparent:false, // true to allow page to show through menu if other bg's are transparent or border has gaps barwidth:20, // bar (the vertical cell) width wrapbar:true, // extend and wrap bar below menu for a more solid look (default false) - will revert to false for top menu hdingwidth:210, // heading - non linked horizontal cells width hdingheight:25, // heading - non linked horizontal cells height hdingindent:1, // heading - non linked horizontal cells text-indent represents ex units (@8 pixels decimals allowed) linkheight:20, // linked horizontal cells height linktopad:3, // linked horizontal cells top padding borderwidth:2, // inner border-width used for this menu /////////////////////////// quote these properties: ///////////////////// bordercolor:'#000080', // inner border color borderstyle:'solid', // inner border style (solid, dashed, inset, etc.) outbrdwidth:'0ex 0ex 0ex 0ex', // outer border-width used for this menu (top right bottom left) outbrdcolor:'lightblue', // outer border color outbrdstyle:'solid', // outer border style (solid, dashed, inset, etc.) barcolor:'white', // bar (the vertical cell) text color barbgcolor:'#4d6814', // bar (the vertical cell) background color barfontweight:'bold', // bar (the vertical cell) font weight baralign:'center', // bar (the vertical cell) right left or center text alignment menufont:'verdana', // menu font fontsize:'90%', // express as percentage with the % sign hdingcolor:'white', // heading - non linked horizontal cells text color hdingbgcolor:'#4d6814', // heading - non linked horizontal cells background color hdingfontweight:'bold', // heading - non linked horizontal cells font weight hdingvalign:'middle', // heading - non linked horizontal cells vertical align (top, middle or center) hdingtxtalign:'left', // heading - non linked horizontal cells right left or center text alignment linktxtalign:'left', // linked horizontal cells right left or center text alignment linktarget:'', // default link target, leave blank for same window (other choices: _new, _top, or a window or frame name) kviewtype:'fixed', // Type of keepinview - 'fixed' utilizes fixed positioning where available, 'absolute' fluidly follows page scroll menupos:'top', // set side that menu slides in from (right or left or top) bartext:'MY MENU', // bar text (the vertical cell) use text or img tag /////////////////////////// menuItems:[ //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Hot Sites"], //create header ["Artikel Komputer", "", "_new"], ["Artikel Internet", "","_new"], ["Belajar Komputer dan SEO", "", "_new"], ["Bisnis online gratis", "", "_new"], ["Computer Article", "", "_new",], ["Dummy Blog", "", "_new", 1, "no"], ["Google", "", "_new", 1] ]}; // REQUIRED!! do not edit or remove menu[3] = { id:'menu3', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! bartext:'RIGHT MENU', menupos:'right', kviewtype:'fixed', menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!! //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Menu"], //create header ["Create Blogger", "", ""], ["Upload Video", "",""], ["Change domain", "", ""], ["Custom Domain", "", ""], ["Microsoft Service Pack", "", ""], ["SATA Driver", "", ""], ["Excel", "", "", 1, "no"], //create two column row, requires d_colspan:2 (the default) ["Bug", "", "",1], ["External Links", "", ""], //create header ["Free widget translator", "", "_new"], ["Free download", "", "_new"], ["Photo Gadget", "", "_new"], //no comma after last entry ["End"] ]}; // REQUIRED!! do not edit or remove ////////////////////Stop Editing///////////////// make_menus(); </script>
Dalam contoh di atas, anda cukup mengganti url link dan nama link sesuai kebutuhan anda, bisa menambahkan bisa juga mengurangi link. Misalnya: dalam menu 1, di bagian menuitems
Klik View Plain Untuk Memasang Kode
menu[1] = { id:'menu1', //use unique quoted id (quoted) REQUIRED!! fontsize:'100%', // express as percentage with the % sign linkheight:22 , // linked horizontal cells height hdingwidth:210 , // heading - non linked horizontal cells width // Finished configuration. Use default values for all other settings for this particular menu (menu[1]) /// menuItems:[ // REQUIRED!! //[name, link, target, colspan, endrow?] - leave 'link' and 'target' blank to make a header ["Menu"], //create header ["Create Blogger", "", ""],
nama link : Create blogger
url link :
url link :
Temen-temen bisa ganti nama url dan link sesuai yang diinginkan. Buat teman-teman yang berminat untuk mengutak-atik scripnya, script aslinya bisa dilihat disini omni slide in menu, tapi omni slide in menu.
Nah, gimana gampang kan? Diatas tadi sedikit penjelasan dari saya mengenai cara memasang menu slide-in di blog sebagai alternatif menu navigasi horisonta. Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat.
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